But not having free-will is not entirely a bad thing as it turns out, because of the Buridan’s ass paradox, yes folks…Buridan’s ASS!!! The assumption of this paradox is that an ass (donkey not derriere) placed between a stack of hay and a pail of water will first go towards whichever is closer to it. Now when the ass is kept midway between both, it will die of both hunger and thirst as it cannot make a rational decision of choosing one over the other. (For those who think I’m talking out of my ass (derriere not donkey) Google it, this paradox is a documented theory!).

So in a way it is amazing how lack of choice or the inability to have free-will actually pushes us into the scheme of things and saves us from dreadful inaction. For all my friends who believe in weighing the pros and cons of different choices before making a decision, come on…who are you kidding? Like the ass we all move towards the choice closest to our experience or our comfort zone.
The next time you are making a big decision in your life and you have various choices in front of you, flip a coin, throw a die or ask your wife. The only freedom is, knowing there is no real freedom. That way you do what comes your way and give a flying duck to the responsibility of making the right choice. (And yes I have the freedom to say flying duck and you have the freedom to assume that’s not what I meant to say…in reality I do not have the freedom to influence your assumptions and you do not have the freedom to stop me from saying illogical stuff).