Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Biggie answered!! (And you're welcome...)

One bad job and many fb applications later, I have just had the epiphany that we are not designed to be happy and content ever. Happy and content is a state of rest and blissful inaction. We are designed to run after something we don’t have for a reason we don’t know. It is a major conspiracy and we are conditioned to be part of it from birth. Break out of it and see life for what it is…really this is nirvana. The way I see it,

It doesn’t matter if you are here for money, success and power or for the betterment of humanity or for the beer, fries and laughs, like me. We are all the same buddy and we are going to the same place. So it doesn’t matter whether you reach before or after me, just so long as you keep the party going until I reach there!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Some relationships are doomed from the very beginning. Yet or maybe the fact that they are doomed is what makes people get into them. As they say, no one will ever know if it is more painful to get punched in the balls or to get through pregnancy, since no one will ever experience both, I can safely say that this is a woman’s perspective.

Throughout history, a woman’s sexuality has been one of the most feared and revered things. It is something she fears herself, maybe because she is afraid of carrying the testimony of this sexuality on her physical self. Is it because she has the power of creation, that she is burdened with the responsibility of reigning in her sexuality? Metaphorically speaking, a woman’s sexuality is like a raging river, it can create and destroy. Man with his curse of foresight and deliberation, has curbed its path into a social structure called family so that this heady source of energy can create more than destroy, like dams are built to use a river’s potential to the maximum. The beauty of it is lost, but it is the only way to control the chaos and uncertainty that results from leaving it as it is. But just like every power of nature that man thinks he can control, every once in a while dams break and a woman’s sexuality goes out of control wrecking havoc in its way.

Resuming my original train of thought, the reason women get into doomed relationships is probably because of the control thing. Sex is all about giving and taking control. It is a twisted way of taking control, by giving control to somebody. Unfortunately when you make yourself a weapon, the first person you end up hurting is yourself. I guess the answer to safety is neither control nor to be taken control of, provided safety is your motto.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


(Wrote this for my brother who is undeniably the best brother in the world!!! He turned 21 last monday)

Little pink fingers and pink little toes,
Droopy little eyes that caught fire when you smiled
You awakened my first instinct to protect,
You were the first baby that I ever saw
I was afraid of dividing my share of love with you,
Then you came along and multiplied the love in my life
First time is a trial run,
Second time around it is perfection
You are mom and dad’s little perfection
Happy 21…Wish you all the happiness this world can offer
And then some more from me!!!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Life That I Have

(Poem by Leo Marks that was used as a poem code in World War II. Recently in the news for being part of Chelsea Clinton's wedding vows. What can I say except... beautiful, beautiful poem!!!)

The life that I have
Is all that I have
And the life that I have
Is yours

The love that I have
Of the life that I have
Is yours and yours and yours

A sleep I shall have
A rest I shall have
Yet death will be but a pause

For the peace of my years
In the long green grass
Will be yours and yours
And yours

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Gaga over Gaga!!!

(P.S. The author is an ardent fan of Times of India-esque titles. Punny, no?)

We are, whether you like it or not, in the age of Lady Gaga!! Now what is so great about Gaga? Is she a singer or entertainer, rock or pop, vintage or new-age, straight or gay, man or woman…no one knows. Yet she sells over 10 million albums and 35 million singles worldwide. In an era of overwhelming media explosion, where marketers are vying for every nook and cranny of a customer’s mind space, Gaga holds her own. She provides the high levels of stimulation that audiences require, to sit up and take notice. In short, when musicians and performers are throwing visuals and sound-bytes at you from all directions, she smacks your head into attention with her outrageous costumes and inimitable act. Interestingly, her costumes have a story-line to them and form a medium of expression, making her a truly visual artist in the league of Andy Warhol or Roy Lichtenstein.

Finally, what about her music? She has as much to do with music as Lalit Modi with cricket or Katrina Kaif with acting. For all you hardcore music buffs out there who believe musicians are to be heard and not seen, don’t worry…for every Lady Gaga there is a Susan Boyle.

For the record I love Lady Gaga as much as Susan Boyle!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Strictly Professional!!

My writers block has lasted one and a half years approximately. Meanwhile I have been sacrificing inane reports and presentations by the dozen with every passing week, at the altar of a monster. Anyways about time I wrote something else, so that my professional life does not screw up my personal life.

I read an interesting article about Lalit Modi today, funnily titled “A Tale of Two Tweeters” obviously talking about the on-going war between Lalit Modi and Shashi Tharoor. I have had the highest regard for Tharoor ever since his tryst with the UN and his very well written articles in The Hindu, not to mention his somewhat intellectual handsomeness. Lalit Modi on the other hand I know as the mastermind behind the IPL and a marketing genius who redefined sporting entertainment internationally with a relatively tame sport like cricket. Now as we all know, the recent controversy opened a can of worms for both parties concerned and led me to think about how scandals and controversies form a perfect excuse for the media to give a low down to the parties concerned.

An apt example in this case is Tiger Woods who transformed overnight from the greatest black sportsman in the world (unquote Oprah Winfrey) to a wife-cheating lout, sex addict, and what have you. His murky sex life has now become the focus, with his golf success incidental, while clearly it should be the other way round. Similarly for Modi, his vision for sporting entertainment is being over-shadowed by news about his previous criminal convictions, cocaine habit and allegations of corruption. Now one may argue that Tiger Woods’ case is different from Lalit Modi’s since while Woods’ sex life is unquestionably private, Modi’s corruption might very well be criticized because we as audiences and consumers are being manipulated. Our emotions, time and even our money is being toyed with and used for personal gain. To summarize, Woods’ flaw is personal while Modi’s is professional and hence deserving of our wrath as audiences/his consumers. Here is when I pose a crucial question to myself and every one of you that is reading, Is there really a distinction between one’s personal and professional lives? What we do professionally is just to fulfill a personal need or desire. The device is professional, the objective is always personal.

Next time when someone criticizes your work in office, slap him! Don’t worry about professionalism!!