One bad job and many fb applications later, I have just had the epiphany that we are not designed to be happy and content ever. Happy and content is a state of rest and blissful inaction. We are designed to run after something we don’t have for a reason we don’t know. It is a major conspiracy and we are conditioned to be part of it from birth. Break out of it and see life for what it is…really this is nirvana. The way I see it,

It doesn’t matter if you are here for money, success and power or for the betterment of humanity or for the beer, fries and laughs, like me. We are all the same buddy and we are going to the same place. So it doesn’t matter whether you reach before or after me, just so long as you keep the party going until I reach there!!
you so dint have to spoil it all for me :D
am surprised u r saying this after attending one of india's most competitive B schools!!! race doesnt matter??
all eez well bug aah??
lol...hny babe!
@Charan: Awwww sorry...alas the truth must be said!
@dibby: It pays to renounce things after one has experienced them, rather than not knowing what one is saying no to.
YO....since you already forced me to comment on the latest gonna start increasing ur web traffic!
The reason each guy or gal doesnt go the same path to reach these unending, ever changing goals is coz, the journey is wot is life. That many dont realise it until their last breath is a diff matter altogether. But suffice to say, life is the journey, u pause look around and see it from outside, u r just pausing that journey n taking a break to get an idea of things and again readjusting ur goals! am gonna get back to my journey....adios!
@Nandith: It is about the journey, but the basic point is that we make the journey a kill joy by stressing about pointless dreams or short-lived happiness. Btw i appreciate ur militant approach to my blog :-)
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